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  • Posh & Lavish Mattress

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I tell when I need a new mattress?

If you've owned a mattress for more than 10 years, it's time for a new mattress. Other signs you might need a new mattress include:

1. Morning aches and pains
2. If you and your partner "roll together" in bed
3. If the mattress edge isn't supportive anymore
4. If your mattress and box spring make noise when you move

Why does a mattress sag?

Several factors can cause mattress sagging, including an improper bed frame, improper center support, a damaged or bent frame or a damaged/broken box spring. Using a proper bed frame with proper center support and taking proper care of your box spring will greatly reduce the chances of mattress sagging.

What's the best way to shop for a mattress?

Assess your needs before you start shopping by answering these questions:

  1. Has your lifestyle changed since buying your last mattress?
  2. Has your body changed in ways that affect your need for support or your comfort preferences?
  3. How much space do you have?
  4. Does your partner have the same needs?

What should you consider when buying a new mattress?

Comfort, support and durability are the most important factors to look for first. After that, take price into consideration.

Does my sleep position matter when selecting a new mattress?

Yes, sleep positions matters in terms of which pressure points are affected during sleep, as well as how the spine is supported. Because each individual sleeper is different, the only way to determine which mattress and comfort level works best for your sleep position is to test out the different mattresses in the store. It helps to talk to the salesperson about which options are available so they can make recommendations based on your personal needs.

Should you put a new mattress on an old box spring?

Never put a new mattress on an old foundation. A mattress is designed to work best with its companion foundation. Mismatched sets can affect overall comfort and support. Plus, its important to the safety of you and your family to ensure that both pieces of the sleep set meet or exceed federal flammability standards, and the best way to do that is to buy the set.

Does a mattress have to be firm to be supportive?

With today's modern mattresses, the support comes from the innerspring. The comfort layers determine the surface "feel." For example, every Serta mattress features an advanced and durable innerspring system designed to deliver proper spinal support. That means you can choose the mattress that feels best to you in order to receive the support you need.

What's the difference between a box spring and a platform bed frame?

A platform bed frame eliminates the need for a box spring because it provides a supportive base for your mattress. It is a cost-saving option that is much easier to move than a box spring while providing space for storage under your bed. Box springs are essentially a wooden box covered in material designed to support your mattress. A bed frame provides the same option with a different look and feel. Our platform bed frames are durable because they are built to hold up to 2500 pounds of weight. Stop in to see them for yourself. A basic bed frame (featured in the video below) is designed to be placed under a box spring.

Need to get in touch?

Have questions? Reach out to us—we’re here to help you sleep Bed’r and shop smarter!